Repairing electric installations and appliances is our job, so if you are in need of this services, leave a message at and we will take care of it!
Auto AC
While the electrician is most often associated with the assembly and repair of electrical installations his knowledge could prove to be very important when carrying out repairs on cars, not just those cars, but also trucks or such other means of transport such as buses and motorcycles. It turns out that without access to electricity in the car or not we could use the radio, or for example, from the wiper during adverse weather. Electricity in cars is very common and more attention devoted its people planning the production of new car models. They have already been entered into force on cars that do not use the fuel, and the move thanks to electricity.
Computer programs useful in electrical
Electrical installations, especially those which will be installed in buildings with complicated structures often require the creation of a very difficult project. Special computer programs enable electricians much easier to plan where and how they will run the wire, where will be located branch and so on. In this way, more and more electricians may remind us of specialists, because the design of electrical networks at the present time is done properly only through the computer. Special programs also allow control of parameters during operation of the installation.
Differences in voltage - Wikipedia
The electric code makes a distinction between "high" voltages (100 volts and higher), and "low" voltages below that, and which have two different safety classifications and regulations. For circuits defined as low voltage, in some jurisdictions, there no requirement for licensing, training, or certification of installers, and no inspection of completed work is required, for either residential or commercial work. Low voltage cabling run in the walls and ceilings of commercial buildings is also typically excluded from the requirements to be installed in protective conduit.
The precise reasoning for the selection of 100 volts as the division between high and low is not clearly defined, but appears to be based on the idea that a person could touch the wires carrying low voltage with dry bare hands, and not be electrocuted, injured, or killed. This is generally true for 12 volt systems, but becomes more ambiguous as the voltage increases to 100.
The meaning also varies when alternating current is used, as there is the more commonly known root mean square voltage (120v) but also a peak wave voltage (170v). Telephones for example use low voltage cabling, but the ringing voltage from the central office is approximately 90 volts peak AC, and which has an RMS voltage of 63v.
In more recent terms, the upper cutoff for what is considered low is approximately 50 volts, with most computer network equipment operating at 48 volts DC or lower, and not requiring special training to connect or use.
Although low voltage cabling does not require inspection or training to install in some jurisdictions, it is still important for installers to be aware of specific electric code safety rules such as how to correctly penetrate building fire barriers and use firestop putty (intumescents) to prevent a low voltage cable from reducing building fire protection and increasing the risk of injury or death for building occupants. Access to such safety information is typically restricted and limited access by the electrical industry itself so as to only permit licensed professionals to learn the NEC rules and educate themselves.
Źródło: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Electrical_Code